When to start training your puppy

When to start training your puppy So, you’ve just added a special little furry friend into your life. You love them, and they definitely love you, but there’s one problem… Your pup is a bit overexcited, loves to jump, lick and occasionally bite. Lucky for you, our puppy training is one of the best in […]

The expectations V Reality of working in a Doggie Day Care!

The Expectations V Reality of working in a Doggie Day Care! I started dropping my girl Ruby to PawPals Daycare in October of 2017.  As soon as I walked in the doors of PawPals, I picked up on the positive energy that surrounded the place. My first thought was I felt incredibly confident about leaving […]

The Traffic Light System

The traffic light system is the exact same across the world, Green means Go and Red means Stop! The very clever people over at friendly dog collars have put this exact system into place for our dogs… Do you have a friendly dog who loves everyone or do you have one who can be a bit choosy with their friends? Do you have a […]

A guide to getting a puppy/dog

A guide to getting a puppy/dog The time has come and you’re thinking of adding a new furry addition to the family! Getting a new dog or puppy is a very exciting time in anyone’s life – but before you get besotted by the puppy dog eyes and squishy little faces, there are definitely some […]

The infamous ‘Kennel Cough’!

The infamous ‘Kennel Cough’! “Canine cough” or “kennel cough” is the common name for Canine Infectious Respiratory Disease (CIRD) and Canine Infectious Tracheobronchitis. The disease can be viral, via the canine parainfluenza virus or it can be bacterial via Bortadella bronchiseptica or it can be from a combination of both the infectious agents which causes […]

What to feed your dog?

Article written by: When it comes to feeding your dog, it’s so hard to know what’s right, what’s wrong and what will be the best choice to keep them healthy and happy. To help with your decision making, we have complied some really helpful information with regards to different styles of feeding to consider for […]